Little Scholars Learning Center

LSLC has a very successful method for developing the potential of its Students, it combining the use of proven curriculum materials and the expertise of well-trained, experienced teachers. LSLC's remarkable success is primarily attributable to the stimulation of student curiosity and the provision of authentic learning experiences, which, in turn, promote school readiness, the initial foundational step for a lifetime of learning. At LSLC, students can look forward to lots of enjoyable days filled with opportunities to explore, discover, and investigate...as they develop critical thinking skills.

Babies learn so much during the first few months of life. They yearn for, even crave love and attention. LSLC provides both through interactive experiences which develop their minds and bodies. Use of appropriate one-on-one activities involving puppets, music, and pictures stimulate a baby’s development, for they stress language, communication, and cognitive development, as well as small and large motor skill development.

Toddlers are quite active, they exploring and experimenting nearly every wakeful hour. This natural developmental method gradually leads to an understanding of the world around them. LSLC whets their curiosity further by creating additional experiences using music, creative play, sand and water, blocks, art, science and reading, all of which promote both language acquisition and positive social interaction.

Preschool students become more inquisitive and active by the day; yet, they have much to learn before they are properly prepared for Kindergarten and Primary School, both of which loom on the horizon. LSLC’s literacy-rich environment is designed to maximize potential development during these formative years, it including State-approved materials supplemented by other materials that have proven their mettle through the years.